Waste management permits

In Hungary waste management authorization is required in the below cases. Several procedures/activities may be combined in one waste management permit (see the list below). The permits are provided by the environmental divisions of the government departments.

Trading of waste

In Hungary a waste trading permit is needed if a company buys and sells waste. Waste can be of any kind (metal, plastic, paper, etc.). If the waste is metal than a metal trade permit is necessary as well (link).

There are two main types of waste trade permits

1. The company has no transportation vehicles and storage sites. In this case only a registration and some papers are needed.

2. The company has either transportation vehicles or storage sites, or both. In this case a licensing documentation has to be submitted to the environmental divisions.

Waste transportation

Foreign companies already having a permit in their home country do not have to have the Hungarian one.

1. In Hungary waste transportation permit can be valid for the whole country or only for certain territories of Hungary. The fees are the same, the procedures, requirements can be a bit different.

2. In Europe waste transportation licensing is quite versatile. In some countries foreign companies do not need to have any permit (or only the permit from their home country), for example Austria, Switzerland. In other countries (e.g. Germany, Belgium, etc.) a permit is necessary.

Waste collecting

For collecting waste prior to transportation (if the waste becomes the property of the transporter company, e.g.: construction and demolition waste) or on a site (or both) an environmental permit is necessary in Hungary.

Waste pre-treatment

In Hungary waste pre-treatment means processing waste in a way that its end-product still remains waste (e.g. metal cutting, paper and plastic baling, etc.). In case of waste pre-treatment usually a waste collecting permit is also necessary (e.g. collection and shredding of green waste).

Waste recycling

A waste recycling permit is often assigned to waste pre-treatment permit. If waste is recycled it becomes a product and ceases to be waste. In Hungary the end of waste status has to be properly certified.

Waste disposal

Waste disposal can be waste incineration, landfills, etc. These activities are usually bound to special environmental permits (usually IPPC-permit is needed).

Waste export – import

Waste export-import in Europe (and out of Europe) has special regulations. The regulations are shortly described in our waste export-import article.


In order to get environmental permits a licensing documentation has to be submitted to the authority drawn up according to the Hungarian legislation (concerning waste: 439/2012 (XII.29.) state decree, 2012. CLXXXV. law, etc.). Licensing documentations can be drawn up only by waste experts (Hungarian Chamber of Engineers registration).

A complex waste-managment activity may consist of several permits described above. In this case the service fees (payable to the authorities) have to be added up. In case hazardous waste is involved all the fees rise by 50%.


The official deadline for the authorisation procedure is 60 days. In reality the normal process takes 3-4 months. Sometimes auxiliary licensing procedure is necessary as well (e.g. site-permit, IPPC-permit) which can significantly prolong the time of the licensing procedure.

Our services

Our complex services may consist of the following:

  • consultancy
  • site evaluation
  • preparing licensing documentation
  • tracking authorisation process

You can contact us through email or phone (details on our contact page). We will be happy to answer your general questions also in our officeYou can also book a call with us leaving your phone number, your question and the time when you can be reached.